2. they don't read lists like this
3. i don't know, but i'll tell you what it's NOT: vomiting after brunch
4. they aren't crushed under the despair of inescapable debt
5. no matter what, they put on a SMILE (tm)!
SMILE (tm), the Semi-automated Mood-Inducing Life Emulator
a registered trademark of FUNtacular! Industries
a division of Halliburton
6. for real though, how do they do it? is it maybe that our culture prioritizes instant gratification to the degree that third-rate web "authors" can recycle the same tired bullet-point tips about one should live one's life without any acknowledgement that so-called "negative" feelings like sadness, loneliness, and envy are a normal part of the human experience and shouldn't be seen as something to scrub away with clickbait pop psychology?
7. maybe it's some kind of brain parasite or something