6:35am: Say a prayer!
6:40am: Enjoy a shower!
6:42am: Weep softly under the cover of the sound of the rushing faucet
6:48am: Brush teeth!
7:00am: Eat a healthy breakfast. Maybe a Stouffer's Apple Banana Breakfast Crunch!
7:25am: Beep beep! It's commutin' time!
7:27am: Scream into the driver's side window and also the very soul of that mother fucker who dared drive into your lane when you were just about to drive there
8:45am: Pull into your parking space! Boy, life is fun! Oh hey, Judy!!!
9:15 am: Post delicious recipe for Stouffers' Mexican Lasagna! (just add canned jalapenos to a Stouffer's Frozen lasagna!)
9:27am: Post apology to Pat Wardaugh for the Stouffer's commercial with the doorbell that keeps upsetting her dogs.
9:45am: Delete pornographic comment involving clever pun on Stouffer's Savory Meatballs and Penne Pasta. People sure are clever!
10:15am: Morning toilet sob!
10:30am: Is it break time already? "I" "M" ready for an "A" "M" snack! Maybe a Stouffer's Three Cheese and Ham Panini!
11:00am: All-department meeting to discuss the February promotional campaign. Judy pitched "VALentine's VALue!" That Judy! She is SO clever!
12:02pm: Post apology to Chris Zadoronzy for the Stouffer's commercial with the doorbell that keeps upsetting his dog.
12:27pm: Pre-lunch copyroom defeated rocking spell!
12:35pm: Lunch with Judy! Maybe a Stouffer's white meat chicken pot pie!
1:35pm: Post recipe for Stouffer's Mexican Cheesy Spaghetti Bake! (just add canned jalapenos to a Stouffer's Cheesy Spaghetti Bake)!
1:42pm: Post apology to Susan Gilbert for the Stouffer's commercial with the doorbell that keeps upsetting her dogs.
2:45pm: Attend cake and punch reception to celebrate Judy's promotion! Way to go, Judy!
3:22pm: Afternoon toilet sob!
3:45pm: Enjoy first non-Stouffer's item of the day: three bottles of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill. Yum!
4:02pm: god damn it Judy you fucking bitch i fucking hate you i will shit in your cubicle
4:45pm: Clean carpet
5:00pm-9:00pm: ????
9:15pm: Come to eating a frozen Stouffer's Zesty Stuffed Pepper that is still frozen. You know, it's pretty good this way!
9:30pm: Finish another bottle of Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill while watching the Stouffer's commercial with the doorbell that keeps upsetting people's dogs.
10:30pm: Kiss favorite angel statue goodnight. Goodnight!