For my first eduFUNctional series of the fall season, I'm returning to the classics and continuing my series PHUN with Philosophy. As you recall from reading previous installments, PHUN with Philosophy is a series where I teach you rubes and noobs about what a bunch of dead people used to write about their own thoughts an' stuff. After reading my series, I guarantee you can go to any party full of hackey-sacking hippies drinking grocery store wine and hold your own. Note to said hippies: calling it "Saturnalia" doesn't make you less of an alcoholic.
Matlock references, fan fic, lists of things. Boy, we've sure had fun over the last two blogs! But now it's time to grab that fun like a damp sponge and squeeze, squeeze until the fun runs out like so much filthy dish water. That's right, blog reader! It is about to get educational in here! Through my special combination of education and entertainment, which I call "Entercation"(TM), you'll learn valuable scholarly concepts in a n engaging fashion, and I'll chip away at any feelings of intellectual inadequacy. Ha ha, it took me four tries to spell "inadequacy" correctly! Ha! HA HA HAHA For my first eduFUNctional series of the fall season, I'm returning to the classics and continuing my series PHUN with Philosophy. As you recall from reading previous installments, PHUN with Philosophy is a series where I teach you rubes and noobs about what a bunch of dead people used to write about their own thoughts an' stuff. After reading my series, I guarantee you can go to any party full of hackey-sacking hippies drinking grocery store wine and hold your own. Note to said hippies: calling it "Saturnalia" doesn't make you less of an alcoholic. This cat is high...on reading more after the jump!
This is Part 2 in a series of writings on the great philosophers that I call PHUN with Philosophy. PHUN is an acronym for "Patiently Having Unbelievable NACHOS," and NACHOS is an acronym for "New Appreciation for Classic Higher-Order Studies". If you'd like to take a moment to go back and catch yourself up, you may do so here. But if you're like most members of the human race, you're lazy. So I'll summarize thusly: my boyfriend earned his undergraduate degree in philosophy and shares his knowledge with me. I translate what he says for the masses. You, dear reader, are the masses. Congratulations! You belong to something!
In Part 1 we covered Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. Today we are time-traveling all the way forward past the Dark Ages and into an era both important historical scholars and I like to call "The Fruity Years." I'm devoting the entire entry to this one dude, as his contributions to modern thought were so far-reaching and influential that he truly deserves a dedicated entry in some random comedian's blog. Also, I was tired of talking about philosophy and wanted to go back to watching 30 Rock. To find out just who this important 17th century thinker is, read more after... THE JUMP! Guys, I promise I am working on more installments of How to Coolness. I know you all have holiday parties coming up and you are very worried about how to be cool at said parties. You will just have to re-read the old posts and milk out all the tips you can because we have MORE IMPORTANT BUSINESS TO ATTEND TO.
No, I did not go to a Subway again (though I did recently receive a gift card, so fingers crossed!). I DID, however, spend some time with my Significant Other. He was a philosophy major and stuff and is pretty smart about it. But what about the thousands of college kids out there right now currently taking Intro to Philosophy who need a really convenient cheat sheet of famous Philosophy guys and they are too lazy to check Wikipedia even? That's the service this blog hopes to provide! Presenting: My Boyfriend Says Smart Things About Philosophy And I Translate: A Guide. Today we will begin with the classics: our homies Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Mild Warning: There's more swear words in this post than usual, so lie to your kids and bosses and proceed at your own risk. If you think you can HANDLE IT, get ready to turn Philosophy One-oh-One into Philosophy Fun-oh-Fun... after... THE JUMP! |
January 2016
AuthorWorks on contingency? No! Money down! |